Welcome to my personal-professional website. I am an Assistant Professor (Research) at McGill University. I study political behaviour and communication in Canada and other mature democracies. Methodologically, I work with survey, census, and social/traditional media data with an additional interest in data science, machine learning, natural language processing and computational social science more generally. My work has been published in The Journal of Politics, The Journal of Experimental Political Science, Party Politics, The Misinformation Review, Frontiers in Political Science, and The Canadian Journal of Political Science.
I direct the Media Ecosystem Observatory and the Canadian Digital Media Research Network and am affiliated with the Centre for Media Technology and Democracy.
I grew up on the prairies in Winnipeg, Manitoba and miss the urban forest and magical prairie sky. In my spare time you can find me cycling, enjoying a game of spikeball in one of Montreal’s many beautiful parks, or fighting the lords of the underworld as Tarkin the Paladin.